美术课外活动总结东莞青少年极限飞盘七月回顾 - [PHOTOS] DGUYA Brilliant Moments in July [精彩回顾]-HERECoaching

作品分类:全部文章 2015-07-10

东莞青少年极限飞盘七月回顾 | [PHOTOS] DGUYA Brilliant Moments in July [精彩回顾]-HERECoaching

东莞青少年极限飞盘又一个月的户外运动结束了。7月对DGUYA的家长和学员来讲都是充满刺激的一个月,学员们飞盘技能更上一层楼,我们还在B Quarter举行了HERE! Coaching一月一次的家庭日活动大水蚁 。现在DGUYA学员们正在享受一个为期三周的假期,8月11日正式回归!
Another great month of outdoor exercise and learning has come and gone at DGUYA. July was an exciting month for both the parents and the players with many children making the jump to the next level in their Frisbee skills and the whole family coming together for HERE兰鸽 ! Coaching’s monthly ‘Family Day’ at B-Quarter. The Dongguan Ultimate Youth Academy is now on a three-week summer vacation with classes starting back August 11th.

你想要在提高孩子体能的同时让他加强英语和了解西方文化吗?来参加我们的免费体验课吧。扫描二维码报名哦李可云 。
Are you wanting to improve your child’s health while giving them a chance to practice English and learn western culture?臧健和 Sign up for a free demo class and see what the excitement is all about! Scan the QR below to register:

Class Content and Rundown

7月的课程重点在于防守技能,第一次向学员们介绍了什么是“盯防”截拳道之道 。“盯防”是指防守对方拿盘的队员。除了防守之外,学员们还被要求在操练及游戏中强化与队友间变换位置时的脚步动作。明显地,DGUYA的学员们循序渐进地学会了即使在没有教练协助的情况下在场上进行合作。
July’s classes put a heavy focus on defensive techniques with students being introduced to the “marking” for the first time. Marking is the act of guarding the player who is currently holding the Frisbee. In addition to defense, players were put into drills and games that forced them to think on their feet and work with their teammates through changing situations. Slowly, but surely喋血风云, the DGUYA players are learning how to operate as a team on the field without constant coach assistant.

随着课程日益复杂,每个学员需要更自律、更努力科教园注会 。他们逐渐意识到在课堂上不认真倾听,他们会使队友失望恶女徽章 。教练则鼓励孩子们做任何事都要全力以赴。每一次扔盘、接盘都需要全神贯注。坐下来休息或走步在练习时是不被允许的,否则会被罚做蹲马步。关注我们了解学员们的最新动向。
With time, classes have grown more complicated and more is expected of each player in terms of discipline and effort. Students are beginning to understand that when they don’t listen during class, they let their teammates down. Coaches are focusing on teaching each child to give their best in everything they do. Each throw and catch needs careful concentration. There is no sitting or walking allowed while on the field during practice and body squats are used as a punishment for not giving their all. Stay tuned for more updates about these developing young players!
Spirit Player of the Month

Evan就读于石美小学。他最喜欢的爱好是滑滑板和打羽毛球。Evan非常喜欢和队友一起玩飞盘吴昊泽 。DGUYA的教练们非常欣喜地看到Evan在这几个月中的成长,从一个小捣蛋变成了一个可以示范标准动作的飞盘小达人。除了飞盘之外王宣予 ,他还喜欢电影,一边吃着披萨一边和朋友们玩游戏。
Evan studies at Shimei Primary School. His favorite hobbies are skate boarding and playing badminton. Evan is really enjoying playing Frisbee with his teammates. DGUYA coaches are really encouraged by Evan's growth over the last few months from a trouble maker to someone that can be asked to help demostrate a new drill. Besides Frisbee, he loves watching movies and playing games with friends while eating his favorite food, pizza.

Want to learn more about DGUYA? Check out this introductory brochure!美术课外活动总结

Check out the class pictures from last month魔域桃源 !

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family activities in and around Dongguan!▼美式极限飞盘