
作品分类:全部文章 2017-03-28


征集热线:藏品快速出手131 2897 7299
[钱币]宣统三年大清银币汽水混合器 ,光绪元宝,母币-,咸丰重宝 民国纸币 刀币 布币 天启通宝 政和重宝 临安府行用牌
[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民国名瓷、现代毛瓷及名家紫砂壶。
[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、现代玉、翡翠、田黄、陨石、鸡血石。
[字画] 历代名人名家书画、现当代书画、各派系名家字画爱人随风而来。
[杂项] 古籍善本、金银铜器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。
[家具] 明清各种材质的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黄花梨及金丝楠木、千年乌木等

中国唐代文化的遗迹,很多都完好无损的保存在日本。正仓院是日本皇室收藏宝库,唐代收藏的文物,没经过埋葬或者窖藏,完好传世到今天,已经是1000多年了叶川的夏天 ,特别是一些纸质文物和木质文物,简直就是个奇迹。
日本文化中的茶道,花道,香道,和服,文字,几乎都可以找到源自中国的证据涿州梨花节 。日本还保留着“倭国国王”金印,更证明了日本文化源自中华的历史。
斗茶传到日本,变游戏为仪式。从上层社会开始风靡一时,后来被千利休总结为“和,敬,清,寂”四字要诀而发扬光大。时至今日,日本茶道影响深远,禅茶一味,侘寂幽玄,藏品快速出手131 2897 7299成为日本文化的核心之一。日本人更把中国的陶瓷器视为珍宝,称为“唐物”。而自己国生产的陶瓷称为“和物”。其价值远低于唐物。这些历史渊源就是日本国内目前保存着很多中国古代珍贵文物的根本原因。
Many of the cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty in China remain intact in Japan. Zhengcangyuan is the treasure house of the Japanese Royal collection. The cultural relics collected in the Tang Dynasty have not been buried or stored in cellars. They have been handed down well for more than 1000 years. Especially some paper and wood cultural relics are just miracles.
Tea ceremony, flower ceremony, incense ceremony论语八则, kimono and writing in Japanese culture can almost find evidence from China. Japan still retains the golden seal of "King of Japan", which proves that Japanese culture originated from the history of China.
Tea fighting spread to Japan, turning games into ceremonies. From the upper class began to be popular for a while, and was later summarized by Qianlixiu as "harmony, respect, clarity, silence" and the four-character key to carry forward. Today, the Japanese tea ceremony has a far-reaching influence. Zen tea is blindly silent and mysterious. The collection of 131 2897 7299 has become one of the core of Japanese culture. Japanese regard Chinese ceramics as treasures, which are called "Tang objects". The ceramics produced in our country are called "harmony". Its value is much lower than that of Tang Dynasty. These historical origins are the fundamental reason why many precious ancient Chinese cultural relics are preserved in Japan at present.

今天我们说的这件瓷器,就是战争之前日本人花了20000银元从中国人手上买去的宝贝。当时以为是哥窑,藏品快速出手131 2897 7299在1996年杭州市老虎洞南宋修内司窑址发掘之后,这件瓷器最终被论证为存世罕见的南宋修内司窑青瓷香炉,现收藏于日本静嘉堂文库美术馆。
There are many collections in Japan. To be fair, most of them were lost to Japan through normal trade or exchange in the historical era. Of course, during the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, a large number of Chinese cultural relics were plundered, which is beyond doubt.
Today we are talking about this porcelain, which the Japanese bought from the Chinese for 20洪宗玄 ,000 silver yuan before the war. At that time, it was thought to be Geyao kiln. The collection of 131 2897 7299 was quickly excavated at the site of Xiunisi kiln in the Southern Song Dynasty of Tiger Cave in Hangzhou in 1996. The porcelain was finally proved to be a rare celadon incense kiln in the Southern Song Dynasty. It is now stored in the Jingjiatang Museum of Art.

后来,大致应该是1920-1931年间,藏品快速出手131 2897 7299东京日本桥的古美术店“壶中居”的主任广田松繁(号不孤斋)前往北京收货,去拜访熟悉的古玩商李姓,得到这个消息。李还说凤翔歌,听说这位叶先生准备把这件瓷器和其他藏品带到美国去出手。这件瓷器开有裂纹霓裳情挑 ,应该是个宝贝。
广田闻言,立即备车前去拜访叶先生,想要一见。却被婉拒。叶先生托词说宝贝已经打包,过两天就要带到美国去了,毒奶色 谢绝了广田的请求。谐音故事
应该说日本人的诚意和礼貌,那是天下闻名的银婚是多少年 。在广田再三请求下,叶先生拿出这件青瓷香炉,广田一见倾心,立刻提出购买!(今天的收藏家遇到宝贝幕府将军本纪 ,往往不敢买,其实还是收藏眼力不够的原因)叶先生说我这个买到美国准备要50000美元,你既然这么诚心,就20000大洋吧。广田没有犹豫,立刻答应下来。
小弥太仔细观看了许久,发出感慨,藏品快速出手131 2897 7299“果然较之砧(日本人称南宋至元代龙泉窑为砧手)香炉更为珍贵,是绝世佳品啊!很好,我收下了,你们辛苦了。疲惫了吧,回去好好休息吧”。广田他们也没有问价格,就这样回去了。

南宋人叶寊的《坦斋笔衡》:“中兴渡江。武御九天。。袭故徽宗遗制置窑 于修内司,造青器, 名内窑。
南宋官窑一出生就是皇室贵胄中国广水网 ,身份显赫,存量不多,为世所珍。在中国国内已经是稀世珍宝,藏品快速出手131 2897 7299到了以唐物为贵,以前只收藏有龙泉青瓷的日本国内,那更是稀世奇珍了。而修内司官窑遗址的发现马湘云,以两岸故宫收藏品来对比,符合特征的不到20%。可见南宋官窑中的修内司官窑远比郊坛官窑稀罕,这也和修内司属于南宋早期,物力艰致有重大关系。
In the Southern Song Dynasty, Ye Wei's Tanzhai Biheng: "Zhongxing crosses the Yangtze River... The old Huizong relic kiln was built in Xiunisi, which is named Neiyao.
The official kiln of the Southern Song Dynasty was born as a royal noble, with a distinguished status and a small stock, which is treasured by the world. In China, it has become a rare treasure. The collection of 131霍思燕杨溢 ,2897,7299 was quickly sold to Japan, where only Longquan celadon was previously collected, which is even more rare. The discovery of Xiunie Shiguanyao site, compared with the collection of the Imperial Palace on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, accords with less than 20% of the characteristics. It can be seen that the official kiln of Xiunie in the Southern Song Dynasty is much rarer than the official kiln of the suburban altar, which is also related to the fact that Xiunie belongs to the early Southern Song Dynasty and its material resources are difficult.

类似的香炉出土于修内司遗址紫屋魔恋 ,更加证明此物一定是修内司的东西。传世品中能和窑址出土遗物对应无疑是传世品最好的身份证。有这个身份证的东西其价值自然远高于没有身份证的宝贝。
Similar incense burners unearthed at the site of Xiunisi prove that this must be Xiunisi's thing. It is undoubtedly the best ID card of the handed down products that can correspond to the relics unearthed from the kiln site. The value of something with this ID card is naturally much higher than that of a baby without it.
修内司遗器目前来看,有几点值得注意;一是以前认为官窑无大器,而修内司遗址出土器物都器型高大,藏品快速出手131 2897 7299大部分在20厘米以上。二是以前古籍上说宋官窑,粉青为上,月白次之,油灰色色之下者也。而出土修内司器物苗圃医学论坛,粉青罕见,黄釉多见,灰青色是绝大部分。传世品一件黄釉都没有陈宝仪,月白色也比较少见。