
作品分类:全部文章 2014-08-21


在远古时代,生活在尼罗河流域、两河流域、印度河流域、黄河流域的人们逐水草而迁徙,不同的族群相逢、揖别于平原、山川,使动植物品种、手工技艺、禁忌与信仰乃至人种基因都沿着欧亚大陆桥流动、传播,形成了血脉相连的文明进化过程通灵干探 。
In ancient times涩染军婚, people lived in Nile basin, Mesopotamia, Indus basin,Yellow River basin migrated by the river and weed. Different ethnic groups met and separated in plains and mountains, making plant and animal species, craftskills, taboos and beliefs, and even human genes flow and spread along the Eurasian Land Bridge, forming the closely connected evolution of civilization.
公元前二世纪,中国陕西人张骞历经十余年艰难困苦,穿越千里流沙、荒漠,完成“凿空”之旅,起于长安终于罗马的丝绸之路正式成为东西文明交流的通道,使两座文明的灯塔相互辉映。与此同时,中国东南沿海勇敢的航海者凭借星斗的指引和季风的吹送,开辟了穿越太平洋、印度洋进入红海的海上丝绸之路。丝绸之路在推动亚、欧、非之间的贸易往来、科技传播、人文交流方面曾起到的作用无与伦比;丝绸之路开拓过程中所显示出来的人类共同的勇敢、智慧以及不同族群之间的合作精神无与伦比;丝绸之路留存至今的遗产的丰富性,及其对当今世界发展的借鉴意义,乃至对人类共有未来的启示作用下海庙 ,无与伦比。
The second century B.C., Zhang Qian, from Shanxi, China,overcome ten years of hardship,crossed a thousand miles of sand and desert, finally finishing the journey of “opening up”. The Silk Road that starts from Chang’an and ends at Rome officially became the channel of civilized communication between the east and the west, making the lighthouses of the two civilizations glow with each other. Meanwhile, the brave sailors of the southeast coast of China with the guidance of the stars and the blowing of the monsoon opened up the maritime Silk Road that crosses the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean and enters into the Red Sea. The Silk Road has played an unrivalled role in promoting the trade contacts, science and technology communication, and cultural exchanges of Asia, Europe and Africa. The courage and intelligence of human beings, and the cooperation spirit among different ethnic groups showed in the development of the Silk Road is unparalleled. The rich inheritance of the Silk Road, its referential significance to the world today, and even its enlightenment to the common future of mankind are incomparable.
2013年,中华人民共和国主席习近平先生提出“一带一路”倡议,号召两条丝路沿线的国家遵从古老的智慧和传统的友谊梅里古都 ,借用古代丝绸之路的历史符号,高举和平发展的旗帜,积极发展经济合作伙伴关系郭炳坚 ,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。
In 2013, Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China proposed “The Belt and Road” initiative, calling on the countries along the two silk roads to abide by ancient wisdom and traditional friendship, to use the historical symbol of the ancient silk road李恩琪, to uphold the banner of peaceful development and actively develop economic cooperation partnership, to work together to build a community of shared interests反冲小球, common destiny and shared responsibility featured by political mutual trust谁与同行 , economic integration and cultural inclusion.
2015年,中国发布《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动》作为一带一路建设的纲领性文件,将政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通列为工作重点墨门春秋 ,并明确指出民心相通是一带一路建设的社会根基。
In 2015, China has released “Vision and proposed actions outlined on jointly building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” as the programmatic document for the construction of The Belt and Road, making policy communication, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, integrated financing and people-to-people exchanges as the key points of the work, and clearly pointed out that people-to-people exchanges are the social foundation of the Belt and Road.
In May魔王归来 , 2017, Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was held in Beijing, marking that the construction of the Belt and Road has achieved staged achievements. So far, more than 100 countries and international organizations in the world have jointly participated in the Belt and Road construction, and more than 40 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China. Relevant resolutions or documents of the United Nations General Assembly, the UN Security Council, ESCAP, APEC, ASEM, GMS (The Greater Mekong sub-regional cooperation) etc. all included or indicated the contents of the Belt and Road construction, showing that a broad consensus of international cooperation was formed and became an important basis for the governance and development of the world.
2017年8月,靳海音 第五届世界摄影大会在中国山东省召开。期间,由39个一带一路国家签约设立“丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟”,并发布《青岛宣言》,宣布以“传承丝路精神、聚焦一带一路、创新合作发展、互惠交融共赢”为联盟宗旨,以摄影领域的交流为纽带,推动多元文化的跨界融合与创新发展,加强各成员国及地区的相互了解和文化交流。
In August, 2017阮虔芷, the 5th FIAP Photo Meeting was held in Shandong province, China, during which, “Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance” was formally established by the signature of 39 B&R countries, and “Qingdao Declaration” was also released to take “inheriting the spirit of silk road, focusing on the Belt and Road, innovating cooperation and development and integrating reciprocity and win-win strategy” as the tenet of the union, to take the communication in the field of photography as the link, to promote cross-boundary integration and innovative development of multiculturalism and strengthen the mutual understanding and cultural exchanges among member states and regions.
鉴于上述事实,我们聊城一中 ,丝路国家摄影组织联盟、中华世纪坛世界艺术中心、北京国际艺苑摄影基金会、山东国际文化交流中心,于2017北京国际摄影周隆重举办之际,与全球摄影师、摄影机构、摄影产业的推动者、摄影教育界人士齐聚北京,倡议发起“丝路国家青少年摄影竞赛”。
In view of the above facts, we, Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance, China Millennium Monument World Art Center, Beijing International Art& Photography Foundation, Shandong International Culture Exchange Center, gathered with photographers, photography organizations, driving forcesof photography industry, and photography educators from the world, in Beijing during Photo Beijing 2017, to initiate “the Silk Road Youth Photography Competition”.
We propose that since 2018, in order to promote the “people-to-people exchanges” of B&R counties, especially adolescents, “the Silk Road Youth Photography Competition” will be held annually to mobilize adolescents to pick up cameras to re-observe外勤助手 , recognize, and record the stories around them through the lens, to learn more about animals, plants, cities, villages, communities, relatives and even themselves through the lens朱宸慧 , to remember the history and feel the flow of time through the lens, and to explore the unknown world and look forward to the future through the lens.
We agreed to launch “the Silk Road Youth Photography Competition” since 2018, which will include the photography creations of adolescents in all alliance member states王帅文 , and will invite other countries’ adolescents to conduct exchange shooting and creations, and will also jointly hold exhibitions, publish portfolios and appraise and elect Best Photographers. The competition rules and action plan will be developed and released on the basis of full consultation with the members of Silk Road Photographic Organization International Alliance.
We hope to let adolescents living in different B & R countries and regions recognize each other’s different living environments and life styles through photography competition, understand each other’s different perspectives of observing the world and different philosophies of knowing the world, thus to understand the diversity of human cultures. To publicize participated photography works by means of exhibitions, publications,消化酶 internet etc. to let adolescents who are far away from each other and have language barriers to know and get close with each other, to take over the banner of peace development held high by their grandparents and parents, and to take over the agreement of being friendly with each other, thus to become a sustaining force in building a community of common destiny.
我们相信,好奇是人类的天性和发现世界的动力,艺术素养是人类创新创造的基石,在信息化、自动化日益挤占人类重复记忆、简单劳动和重体力、危险工作岗位的当下绯色流星 ,这两点显得尤为重要和可贵。摄影无疑是最容易普及的也是最能够激发好奇心的艺术创作形式,青少年时代对于摄影艺术的实践将使人终身受益。
We believe that curiosity is human nature and the driving force to discover the world and artistic accomplishment is the foundation stone of human innovation creation. Under the current circumstances that informatization and automation have been increasingly occupying human beings’ jobs featured by repeated memory, simple labor, heavy physical strength and danger, these two points are particularly important and valuable. Photography is undoubtedly an art creation form to be popularized the most easily, and to arouse curiosity maximally. The practice of photography in the youth era will benefit people for life.
我们赞同,共建一带一路实现共赢发展必将是世纪工程,需要通过生生不息的代际传承才能够谱写下一个2000年的辉煌。因此,在一带一路建设的起始阶段,动员各参与国的青少年,这些未来世界的建设者和主人们,通过摄影这种最忠实的记录方式,来关注和留存这些今天看似很普通但明天会非常珍贵的历史瞬间,有着非同寻常的书写历史的意义少林八段锦 。
We agree that the co-construction of the Belt and Road and the realization of win-win development will certainly be a century project, which needs endless intergenerational transition to write the next 2000 years of glory. Hence, at the early stage of the Belt and Road construction, mobilizing adolescents of all participating countries, who are the builders and owners of the future world to focus on and keep the historical moments which seem very common today yet will be very precious tomorrow through photography- the most faithful record method, has an extraordinary significance of writing the history.
We welcome adolescent photography enthusiasts from all Silk Road countries to participate in “the Silk Road Youth Photography Competition”. Welcome youth organizations, photography groups, schools of all B & R countries to participate in the organizing, planning and promotion of the competition. Welcome all institutions dedicated to the Belt and Road construction五险三金 , personal attention, support to the competition, information providing and assistance to competitors. Welcome all media to keep reporting on the competition. “The Silk Road Youth Photography Competition” under the common efforts of all parties, will become a platform of cultural exchange between Belt and Road adolescents, making photograph, the art form with nearly 180 years of history, to glow wit.